

Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm not one to complain but...

So here is this thing, everyone fans and athletes alike, complain about reffing of games. Anyone who has ever played a sport in their entire lives whether it range from basketball to track and field has complained about some sort of officiating problem. I myself have complained so much that in one season of basketball, I was ejected from every game due to the fact that I received two technical fouls in every game! In my defense, it was really only a ten game season. However, recently I see myself complaining a lot about refs in NCAA Men's Basketball. Whether it be a bulls**t offensive charging call on Thomas Robinson or just the fact that last night UNC-Ashville was screwed out of two points because of a no golatending call and then with 34 seconds left in the game, the referees declared that UNC-Ashville touched the ball last before it went out of bounds when it was clearly touched by a Syracuse player. UNC-Ashville was only down three points and the time and one point was taken because of a lane violation and a possession was taken away because the ref missed the tipped out of bounds call. Now I understand that human error is just the nature of the beast when it comes to officiating however, you need to realize that these officials have drastically changed the course of the game. It would be like giving a kid a Popsicle and then right before they are about to eat and enjoy it, you grabbed it from them and tell them they didn't do anything wrong but the kid across the street deserves it more.

The second complaint I have with officiating is that lack of consistency. Last night, my lovely girlfriend and I were watching the Iowa State UCONN game and she even noticed how ridiculous the skewed foul shooting was in favor of UCONN. When she said something, the fouls for ISU were 3 taken compared to UCONN's 15 taken. Now I can understand the argument that UCONN is a better defensive team but the problem I have is they were down 22 points at one point and becoming more aggressive on the defensive end would eventually have the offense, in this case ISU, draw some fouls. Now the refs obviously down the stretch, made sure that the foul distribution was the same but the foul distribution is a number that can be misleading. We need a new foul tracker that shows shooting fouls compared to on the floor fouls. This will inform everyone on how the officiating really is because when a team that is popular like UCONN gets to the line 12 times more than the other team and is down by as much as they were, there is something not right. Shooting fouls are obviously more detrimental to the opposing team than on the floor fouls, and the refs were literally giving UCONN free shots at the basket. Ridiculous!

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