So if you are reading this either like my ridiculous sinism or that you believe in everything I am saying so here it goes...The question I have is what the hell is going on? I spoke with a friend at half time and we both were thinking the same thing, "Curse of the #1 ranking". Funny thing, Ohio State had a good run at the top! My friend is a KU alum but he is from Memphis, do you think he was thinking the same thing with Memphis when they were ranked at the top? NO!!!!! KU has a curse and it is the #1 ranking. For some odd reason, we play very poorly when it comes to a number one ranking and the most recent example, tonight! I love my Jayhawks but the question is, "is it the players or the coaching staff" because watching this game tonight the entire team looked like they could care less if they won this game. No I propose a question to you! Whose fault is that? I say Bill Self. Now wait before everyone jumps down my throat until you read my explanation. The Morris twins looked lazy and they thought they could just walk into this game. Poor shot selection and the fact that the fouls were pretty much guaranteed to happen when K-state was on their offensive side and here we are with one time out left and KU is down 18 points! I blame Self! Always have always will. Bill Self may be the worst "in-game" adjustment maker to win a National Championship I have seen in my 26 years of living. Is he a good coach? Sure. Is he the best? Far from it! The problem I see watching this game, listen up because this is why I am not a coach but a blogger, is that Self can't give his teams sense of urgency in their games. A sense of "we need this win"! I think the players take a lot of the mentality of the coach and I believe our coach is thinking "we are Kansas no one can beat us". I urge you KU fans to take a look at the game and try to figure out, for yourself, what adjustments were made in the game to stop the KSU offense. Nothing! Given they hit some ridiculous shots but if it weren't for the first half, this team wouldn't have the confidence. Also, with the fact that he took out the Morris twins with 7:30 left in the game may have been the best "in game" decision he has made. Teach them a lesson! Sorry so long! Also, Marcus keep your mouth shut! :I like being number one because we get everyone's best shot and I like the chip on our shoulder". Really budyy, really? Jacob Pullen put up his best effort congrats! Is this team great? They could be! Is Bill Self good? Maybe. At this level it is coaching and coaching is what makes a team great. Sorry if you don't agree and you think this is a joke. Just my thoughts obviously nothing more. Oh yeah and defense. KSU shot 57% from the field just in case you were curious and shot at least four more foul shots with the same amount of fouls than KU.